Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Synaptic scaffold evolution generated components of vertebrate components of vertebrate cognitive complexity

Scientists have discovered for the first time how humans -- and other mammals -- have evolved to have intelligence. Researchers have identified the moment in history when the genes that enabled us to think and reason evolved. This point 500 million years ago provided our ability to learn complex skills, analyse situations and have flexibility in the way in which we think. Professor Seth Grant, of the University of Edinburgh, who led the research, said: "One of the greatest scientific problems is to explain how intelligence and complex behaviours arose during evolution."

The research, which is detailed in two papers in Nature Neuroscience, also shows a direct link between the evolution of complex cognition and behaviour and the origins of brain diseases. Scientists believe that the same genes that improved our mental capacity are also responsible for a number of brain disorders. "This ground breaking work has implications for how we understand the emergence of psychiatric disorders and will offer new avenues for the development of new treatments," said John Williams, Head of Neuroscience and Mental Health at the Wellcome Trust, one of the study funders. The study shows that intelligence in humans developed as the result of an increase in the number of brain genes in our evolutionary ancestors. The researchers suggest that a simple invertebrate animal living in the sea 500 million years ago experienced a 'genetic accident', which resulted in extra copies of these genes being made. This animal's descendants benefited from these extra genes, leading to behaviourally sophisticated vertebrates -- including humans.

The research team studied the mental abilities of mice and humans, using comparative tasks that involved identifying objects on touch-screen computers. Researchers then combined results of these behavioural tests with information from the genetic codes of various species to work out when different behaviours evolved.
They found that higher mental functions in humans and mice were controlled by the same genes. The study also showed that when these genes were mutated or damaged, they impaired higher mental functions. "Our work shows that the price of higher intelligence and more complex behaviours is more mental illness," said Professor Grant. The researchers had previously shown that more than 100 childhood and adult brain diseases are caused by gene mutations. "We can now apply genetics and behavioural testing to help patients with these diseases," said Dr Tim Bussey from Cambridge University, which was also involved in the study.

A Science Daily summary of the work can be found here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/12/121202164325.htm

The full-length pdf article can be found here:

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Genetic identification of C fibres that detect massage-like stroking of hairy skin in vivo

In this recent Nature article, biologists at CalTech identified a rare group of sensory neurons in mice that respond specifically to stroking, but not other types of touch, such as pinching or poking. The team used florescent markers that illuminated when the neurons were active. Moreover, the mice seemed to demonstrate preferential affinity to specific spatial cues - associated with being placed in a particular box partition - when the stroking neurons were artificially stimulated via specific chemicals. 

This led the researchers to conclude the stroking neurons produced a pleasurable sensation when activated (and why they preferred a particular box partition associated with the stimulation over the alternative). The experiment demonstrated that stroking is positively reinforcing which might explain why animals enjoy social grooming. The researchers speculated that a variety of hairy mammals, including humans, are likely to have similar sensory neurons that respond during social stroking. 

An interesting summary video clip of the research can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFCRvjle2o8

The full-length pdf article can be found here:

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Modeling Neanderthal clothing using ethnographic analogues

Wales, N., 2012. Modeling Neanderthal clothing using ethnographic analogues. J. Hum. Evol. 63, 781-795.

This study used a large sample of recent human hunter-gatherers and climatic data to predict the percentage of the body that Neanderthals and AMH would have needed to cover and whether they would have required shoes and head coverings when living at known archeological sites under prevailing climatic conditions.  The model predicts that although Neanderthals would have had to cover >70% of their bodies including their head and feet, they need not have worn complex tailored clothing.